Monthly Archives: March 2021

 RingClone is FSQS Certified for the Financial Services Sector

As part of our on-going commitment to our financial services clients, we have completed our stage 2 FSQS certification for our business process and practices. Our information is now available to financial services buying organizations using FSQS. The FSQS accreditation is valued by a growing number of the purchasers in the financial industry as it indicates a successful audit process and demonstrates RingClone’s commitment and capabilities to the sector. ...(read more)

 OneDrive Storage Support

I am excited to announce OneDrive Storage Support for RingClone! Archiving your calls, messages, texts, and faxes with your existing OneDrive account is quick and easy! All the features you are familiar with (such as file name templates, instant sub-folders, automatic user/date/ext/caller categorization) are now available with your OneDrive account. In addition, OneDrive gives you more flexibility to configure storage within sites or drives in your OneDrive account. ...(read more)